

Contact Number (General )                       : 0242221053

Fax                                                             : 0242228656

Email                                                          : asckovilkulam@gmail.com

Agrarian Development Officer         : Mrs. Ranjana Saravanapavan : 0771276064


Introduction to Kovilkulam ASC

Registration Number 12/4

  1. Divisional Secretariat Division                                – Vavuniya
  2. ARPA Divisions                                                      – 16
  3. Number of Farm Families                                       – 3260
  4. Farmers Organization
    • Number of Farmers Organization                    – 32
    • Number of Women Farmers Organizarion        – 20
  5. Number of Irrigation Tanks
    • Major/Medium Irrigation Tanks                      – 3
    • Number of Minor Irrigation Tanks                   – 90
    • Number of Anicuts                                        – 8
  6. Paddy Land as at 31.12.2019 according to Digital
    • Land Under Major/Medium Irrigation              – 876 Acre
    • Land Under Minor Irrigation                           – 3655 Acre
    • Rainfed Land                                                – 1193.5 Acre
  7. Service and Works Provided
    • Acre Tax Recovery, Contribution to Agrarian Fund and Re obtain for ASC Management and small works of farmers
    • Providing Tractors for ploughing Service work
    • Supplying Inputs to the cultivation
    • Providing Identity Card to farmers
    • Providing Subsidy Fertilizer for paddy and other crops according to government police
    • Providing Other Machinery Services to farmers
    • Agriculture Land Management – Both Paddy and Non-Paddy
    • Organic Fertilizer Promotion, Production in the ASC and promote organic cultivation
    • Providing Different Types of Loans to Farmers through Farmers Bank such as Cultivation Load, Paddy Harvesting Loan, Paddy Security Loan to protect farmers from low price, Agriculture Machinery and Equipment Loan, Project Loan, 100,000.00 Special Loan, Instant Loan,
    • Facilitating Agriculture and Agrarian Insurance Board to provide Crop Insurance
    • Crop Diversification according to Yala season drainage under rural tanks.
    • Checking the water quality of Tanks twice a year.
    • Checking the water quality of Agro Well According to Farmers Request
    • Quality Control Laboratory establishment and managing inspect the construction of minor irrigation works and building
    • Protecting Traditional Seeds Varieties
    • Abandoned paddy land cultivation
    • Promoting Women Entrepreneurs
    • Promoting Micro Finance of Women Societies – Compulsory Saving and Loan Issuing
    • Home Garden Promotion of Women Farmers though different types of programs
    • Preparing Digital PLR
    • Seed Paddy Production and Promoting Farmers to produce
    • Soil Testing of Paddy Land and Giving Recommendation to farmers
    • Renovating, Reconstructing and Constructing Agriculture Related Infrastructures: Tanks, Anicuts, Agriculture Roads, Drying Floor, Cascade System, Channels, Agro Well, etc